大洲神社 大洲城の総鎮守・神楽山(愛媛県大洲市)標高43m
大洲まちの駅 あさもやから、西に進むと、登り口に大きな昭和燈がある、神社に登る長い石段があります。
Ozu Shrine is located on Kagurayama, east of Ozu Castle.
It was built as the general guardian of the area when Ozu Castle was built in 1331 and has continued to watch over the area from the Kamakura period to the present.
From Ozu Machi no Eki Asamoya, proceed westwards to a long stone staircase leading up to the shrine, with a large Showa light at the top.
You can see Ozu Castle from the steps.
There is a grateful statue of the deity Ebisu in the precincts of the shrine.
The Toka Ebisu Festival is held on 10 January.
If climbing the stairs is too strenuous, you can also visit the shrine from the Garyu Sanso side.